Thursday, January 1, 2015

Happy New Year and Other Book Related Things

Happy New Year everyone!!!! It is now officially 2015 and I hope your year is full of laughter, friends, family, and books :). I have several new years resolutions all most all of the book related. I thought I would share a few of them with you in hopes it will keep me more accountable. First I will of course be doing the 2015 reading challenged I shared with you in my last post. I am starting with a book that scares me: The Madman's Daughter by Megan Shepherd which was inspired by H. G. Wells's The Island of Dr. Moreaur. Can you say creepy? In addition to the 2015 reading challenge I have decided that for every modern novel (YA or otherwise) I read I will also read one non-fiction or classic. I was looking at my reading statistics from Goodreads and realized that almost all of the book I read were published within the last 50 years and most of them are fiction. Even my book case makes this clear as I have one shelf of non-fictions and six shelves for my fiction. And the funny thing is I love history and reading non-fiction and I haven't read many classics I don't at least appreciate. I'm hoping to tackle The Count of Monte Cristo this year because I love the story but for the first time in my life I am daunted by the size. 

     What are your new years resolutions (They don't have to be book related)? 

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